68LX252G 404 pitch 063 gauge 252 drive link Full Chisel chain

Frawleys Saw Shop - loggerchain.net

$129.99 $166.00

Here is one brand new Oregon 68LX252 Full Chisel PowerCut 404 pitch chain.The chain is 404 pitch .063 gauge and 252 drive links.This is Oregons newest 404 chain.This chain is the new 68LX pro series with the blued cutters for improved strength-very fast cutting-and what all the loggers use in this area.This is not safety chain.This has full Chisel cutters made from OCS-01 steel provides greater durability especially in cold cutting conditions. Call us if you need a custom size listed. Always count the number of drive links inside the old chain loop to get the correct new replacement chain.

Authorized Reseller Oregon Chainsaw chain and Replacement guide bars for Saws buy at Sale price with Volume discounts and Free shipping in USA on all items. Chains are not the same always ask for Oregon® loggerchain™ Call with any questions or to order (563)-544-4498