180VXLGK216 18" Oregon chainsaw bar .325 pitch fits Echo CS-450P, CS-500P, CS-550P
Replaces Echo 18F0LD3372C
Bar is VersaCut sprocket nose part # 180VXLGK216
(replaces old part#180GLGK216).
Bar uses chain .325 pitch .050 gauge 72 drive links.
This Bar fits with .325 pitch sprocket and chain.
Chain choices for this bar -click the hyperlink below to view the chain
Chain choices for this bar -click the hyperlink below to view and purchase the chain
Oregon_20BPX072_ControlCut Micro Chisel
Oregon_20LPX072_PowerCut Full Chisel
Oregon_20LGX072_PowerCut Pro ( No low-kick guards) Full Chisel